The Mockingjay Sings!

“Okay.,”I think. “I have one chance to get this right.” I had been watching the Games the whole time they had been on the television and through all the blood and gore I couldn’t help but take a liking to Anne Foyer form District two. She was determined, a lot like me. I knew that she was going to be in trouble soon because she was dangerously close to a blood-thirsty tribute. I was racking my brain trying to decide what I could send to help her. I knew based on the puffs of breaths that she must be freezing. “That’s it!” I think. I can send her a box of matches to keep her warm at night and to cook the her raw meat in the  morning.

I sprint to the town center , where you can send gifts to the tributes. There is a swarm of people crowded around the table and I can’t help but hope they are here to help Anne. When it is my turn I take out my meager amount of change “I would like a box of matches for Anne Foyer, District two.” I say to the colorful women at the desk. “Okay,” she replied, “that will be seven dollars please.” I was astounded and appalled, in the beginning of the Games they would have been three dollars. As I forked over my money I couldn’t help but hope that this would help Anne, not hurt her.

The Mayhem Continues!

“Ready?” I hear the voice say in my headset. This is it. This is what I have been training for. My hands were shaking as I reached for the controls. There had been some debate about what would come next we all agreed that the Games needed some action.  We finally settled on poisonous dart frogs. The ones we chose were bright blue to warn off predators. Being new, I had not seen the frogs in person, only in pictures. It terrified me to know that they were only a wall away from me. I have had nightmares about being in the Hunger Games all week long. I knew that I would get more used to it as the years passed but for now I would just have to hide my terrified feelings deep inside of me, keep quiet and do the job I’m here to do.

The head gamemaker’s voice is loud and clear in my head set. “Ready the frogs,” he says “”In five… four… three… two…one…” I inhale and hit the button that releases the frogs with shaking hands. I know from practicing that they will enter from the West and East gate and exit in the trap door in the beach near the water line. The venom in these frogs is enough to kill ten men. We had hoped that the tributes would run away; towards each other to create more action.  As the tributes started to realize what terrors awaited them they began to run. The first two tributes who found the frogs were dead almost immediately. “Fire two cannons” said the head gamemaker. I saw the tributes on the screen running as fast as they could away from the frogs and I knew I shouldn’t but I felt a sliver of regret. I slipped into a foggy daze for the rest of the nightt. On auto-pilot I vaguely remember there being a celebration and four more cannons fired but the whole time I couldn’t help but feel guilty because if it were me in the Games I would hate the gamemakers with all my soul. What have I done?

The Gamemakers enter the Games

I had just ran through the rain forest and settled in for the night when I heard it. CRACK! The first thing I did was ready my bow. If there was another tribute here I was not going to hesitate to shoot. I had already killed one boy from district 10 but only because he tried to kill me first. My bow at the ready I grabbed all my stuff and stuffed it into my backpack. The ground shook as hard as my hands. I heard the roar before I saw it. A massive wave of water, taller than all the trees, coming for one goal, me.

I ran as fast as I could, for once appreciating my long legs. I leapt over fallen trees and logs trying not to fall. I knew that this was not a natural occurrence, this was a trap set by the gamemakers. Whenever there was not enough action they would create these disruptions in the game. Most often I was to push us towards each other. I knew that this wave had to be leading me somewhere so I decided that I would just try to outrun it. The stench of saltwater filled the air. It seemed as if the temperature had dropped twenty degrees. I was wrapped up in my thoughts when I tripped. I had fallen on a log in my path. The wood left a gash in my calf. Nothing serious but it would hurt for a while and would eventually need to be bandaged. I realized as I stopped that I had made it to the beach. I turned around realizing that the wave was no longer chasing me because I surly would have felt it by now. It was gone. The wave had disappeared. I was safe. Finally.

A Silver Parachute

I sit on the edge of the jungle near the cornucopia not believing my luck. I had just retrieved a bow and sheath of arrows from the pile of weapons in the cornucopia. The other tributes must had fled too because the pile was completely unguarded. “Rookie mistake.” I thought to myself. In addition to the bow and arrows I also grabbed three little knives whose blades were almost as long as my hand. I was still in my adrenalin rush so I hid the rest of the weapons in a hallow  tree because I had no use for them. I also grabbed most of the food, a sleeping bag, and a backpack to carry it all in. As I walked away I could hardly believe my luck.

As I wash off in a stream I see a silver parachute float down from the sky. I almost leaped for joy. I knew from watching the Hunger Games in previous years that this silver parachute would be a gift from my sponsors. I was so excited ever since  I thought my luck couldn’t get any better. I was wrong.  Attached to the  little silver parachute  was an even smaller box. The box was small only about the size of a small coconut. When I landed in the stream I panicked and leapt for it before it could be washed away from me. I open the box and inside was a note and a small camera. The note said ” We have noticed that you are homesick so we have given you this camera to record a message for someone back in your District.It will be delivered to that person for you. Good luck and may the odds be ever in you favor.” I knew immediately that this would be for my parents because I wanted a chance to say goodbye if I died.

The First Night of the Hunger Games

As I race away from the harsh gold of the cornucopia I realized one thing, I have no means of survival. I stop and weigh my options. I can go back and try to get weapons but that may end up with my face on the screen that will glow bright in the sky tonight and by the sound of loud “BOOM!”s in the air, I wont be the first. I decide to take this risk and race back to the cornucopia knowing with fear in my heart I could be killed by nature without supplies but could be killed by fellow tributes trying to get it.
As I near the beach that the golden cornucopia is lying on I see all the dead bodies. I almost tripped on one, half camouflaged with mud and leaves on the outskirts of the jungle. Based on the trail of blood behind it, the body had obviously been dragged a great many feet from were (judging the arrow sticking out of it’s back) it had been killed. I turned away with a fluttering in my chest as I realize I could be next. I feel lucky that I knew none of the other tributes for it makes them easier to kill. I race towards the cornucopia pushing the fear that I will die tonight deep inside me. I grab a sword from a fallen tribute and decide that if I kill someone tonight I will feel no regrets.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let the Eightieth Hunger Games begin!

My stomach was filled with butterflies as I wait on the hot, shiny, silver platform. I had watched the Hunger Games enough times to know what came next. The clock would count down, a warning to stay on you platform or risk being blown to pieces. My palms were sweaty as I anticipated the gong saying I should get off the platform. Here it comes three, two, one…

The gong sounds, as loud as thunder in my ears. In a horrified daze I jumped off the platform into the hot, dangerous jungle. I knew from watching the Hunger Games in previous years that the cornucopia would be a bloodbath, so I need to avoid it at any cost. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears as I ran through the lush green jungle. Without knowing, this jungle would look calm and innocent. I knew though, that this jungle was the backdrop for the horrible killings that were about to take place.


Tribute Token

The door slammed against the wall in a loud bang. The lavishly furnished room shuddered with the vibrations. My parents stomped in so loudly I thought they might leave dents in the plush red carpet. My head pounded and my eyes were overflowing with emotions. I greeted my parents first as my brother stood quietly in the corner. They were more of a mess then I was. My mother was crying like  a baby tears streaming down her pale face. My  brother slowly approached for the first time.

As he came up to me slowly he outstretched his little hands. In return I outstretched my calloused hands. In my hands he dropped his favorite little toy train into my hands. “Your token,” he said, “your allowed one token and I want it to be this. It has helped me get through tough times and will hopefully help you too.” Was embraced and cried. When the peacemakers told them it was time to go we decided to say see you later instead of good bye.

The Tributes are Announced

Reaping Day, my heart beats fast at the thought of it. Butterflies fill my stomach as I try to eat my meager portions of bread. My mother silently helped me step into my faded, green dress made of  scratchy material. We left the house in silence, my brother holding my fathers hand in terror. The Hunger Games can bring fear into the most joyous of people.

In a foggy daze I found myself walking towards the section with the people my age. The heat and smell of sweat coming from the tightly packed bodies was nauseating. As the brightly colored women got up to read the names my stomach was clenching into knots. “Ladies first.”, she said cheerfully, “Juliet Sparks!” My palms were sweating as I walked to the stage. It was me. I was the one to be hunted for the Capitals entertainment this year.