A Silver Parachute

I sit on the edge of the jungle near the cornucopia not believing my luck. I had just retrieved a bow and sheath of arrows from the pile of weapons in the cornucopia. The other tributes must had fled too because the pile was completely unguarded. “Rookie mistake.” I thought to myself. In addition to the bow and arrows I also grabbed three little knives whose blades were almost as long as my hand. I was still in my adrenalin rush so I hid the rest of the weapons in a hallow  tree because I had no use for them. I also grabbed most of the food, a sleeping bag, and a backpack to carry it all in. As I walked away I could hardly believe my luck.

As I wash off in a stream I see a silver parachute float down from the sky. I almost leaped for joy. I knew from watching the Hunger Games in previous years that this silver parachute would be a gift from my sponsors. I was so excited ever since  I thought my luck couldn’t get any better. I was wrong.  Attached to the  little silver parachute  was an even smaller box. The box was small only about the size of a small coconut. When I landed in the stream I panicked and leapt for it before it could be washed away from me. I open the box and inside was a note and a small camera. The note said ” We have noticed that you are homesick so we have given you this camera to record a message for someone back in your District.It will be delivered to that person for you. Good luck and may the odds be ever in you favor.” I knew immediately that this would be for my parents because I wanted a chance to say goodbye if I died.

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